Monday, February 11, 2013

Fiction Packet

The writing of short stories is a difficult art. Putting an entire tale into a few short pages or sometimes only a few paragraphs is an exceptional feat. To do this only the most relevant of information can be placed within the story. The tricky part is deciphering what information is relevant. Nearly any information can be relevant but a number of themes must be followed. In the packet of Short stories that were read in class a few criteria were satisfied within each story; a mood was set, characters were in some way developed, and there was some “action” or conflict.
Let’s observe The Colonel. First the mood is set through highly detailed description of the setting. The author uses precise language to show the reader that the story is taking place in a high class setting with a slight unease to it. This makes it far more terrifying when the Colonel empties the ears onto the table, the primary action of the story. This action works to describe the colonel in tandem with the way that he treats his pet. The reading of short fiction can allow for a new perspective on the topic of novelty. 

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