The opening
sections of the collection Fluorescence by Jennifer Dick are very though
evoking. Books of poetry follow a few different patterns. There are epics like
the Iliad that are an entire novel written in poetry, and there are books that
are just many poems bound together in no particular order. Dick’s manuscript
follows a different pattern that is very interesting. All of the poems in the
book are her own work and flow like a story but are not tied together. Her poems
follow a traumatic experience in her life that is not easily revealed to the
reader. You move through the events leading up to whatever it is that left her
so damaged into her horrific recollection of the event itself and through the
aftermath. As the reader goes through this dick uses powerful metaphors and
allusions to make the reader feel every emotion that she feels herself. Her
work shows one of the most important things that a poet can have and needs to
make their audience feel: Empathy. Empathy is the way that humans understand each
other, the way we bond and grow, feeling each other’s feelings, seeing through
each other’s eyes. That is the power of poetry, it is a tool that can make it
easier for us to understand another person, give us a peek at who they are. Dick’s
poems aside from being well written are an excellent medium of emotion, despite
their depressing overtone.
Ok, this is great. Say more, explain further and use specific examples from the poems. 8/10 points