Monday, March 11, 2013

Rethinking Fiction Writing

I, and I would assume many of my fellow novice writers, have always followed a pretty standard form of short fiction writing. It would the plot strictly start at the beginning and end at the end. But that technique has some disadvantages such as that it is exceptionally difficult to go into rich detail and it completely passes over  the ability to use techniques like foreshadowing to create a deeper story and lock the readers interest. These techniques can allow the reader to be led and able to predict what might happen or tricked and cause them to be surprised by a character's actions. without a thick level of detail characterization is nearly impossible and then it is impossible to create a relationship with the reader without this it is rare for a person to care about someone they don't feel they know. It is imperative to being a successful writer of short fiction to use rich detail and any other writing technique you can.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, good responses lately. Say more and expand.

    3/12: 8/10 points
    2/26: 8/10 points
